Thursday, June 25, 2009

Small Successes: End of School Edition

This is a list of my small successes at the end of this school year:

1. We ended the school year with all children passing with flying colors!
2. I landed a column at which will debut very soon!
3. I read several books on my own this year: some on the recommendation of my friends, some to advance my knowledge of Catholicism, some to relive old favorites, and some to make my list of Classics I Must Read a little shorter.

This is a list of things I have been thankful for this week:

1. My eldest daughter made it to the championship game and played well.
2. My youngest daughter is now completely potty-trained.
3. My grandfather is at peace with his Heavenly Father.
4. I got a new computer mouse and now can cruise and click around my pages with ease.
5. My husband is always ready with a hug when I need it.
6. My readers.

Visit Volume 23 of Small Successes at Faith and Family Live!


ViolinMama said...

I'm so sorry for your grandfather's passing. He'll be in my prayers.

YAY on reading, passing school, and your column. Your readers are gratful too!

Loren said...

There are some really great successes listed here! Congrats on an outstanding week. :)