Thursday, June 11, 2009

Small Successes: Toddler Edition


As my allergy-induced laryngitis continues and I am unable to voice my frustrations at the challenges of toddler-hood, celebrating my small successes is extremely important. This week my “small successes” come in the form of developmental advances my toddler is making. Soon I will be calling her my pre-schooler rather than my toddler.

1. She used the potty. There was great rejoicing throughout the house, a phone call exchanged with Daddy, and stickers to be placed on blank pages in her baby book.

2. To acknowledge that she is a “big girl now”, I removed the rail on one side of her crib. I did this while her sisters were reading her a story in my room. When she came to her room, she said, “Gate broken! Fix it!” We showed her how she could crawl into her bed and get out on her own. We placed pillows on the floor in case she fell out, and gave her her own grown-up pillow to sleep on. She fell asleep with no complaint. The next day, she arose and called me from her crib as usual without getting out, much to my surprise.

3. At naptime, I was afraid she would use her freedom not to go to sleep. Over the baby monitor, I heard her playing with her xylophone, which we keep under the crib. But then she settled down. I peeked in and saw her sleeping in her crib. I breathed a sigh of relief and used my time to write.

Click here to visit Volume 21 of Faith and Family Live's Small Successes!


ViolinMama said...

Fantastic!!! What great successes! God Bless you!!!!

Elizabeth Kathryn Gerold-Miller said...

Thanks ViolinMama for visiting my blog and for your encouraging comments. Potty training can be such a roller coaster and we have to build on those little successes!