The birds in the protected land adjacent to our property went crazy, like a large bird of prey was after them. The locusts in the trees were deafening for days.
My eldest daughter at age 4 saw the news and was obsessed with the images of those towers . For months she would not stop building them from legos and drawing them. We told her they were bad men and she wanted to know why they were bad. We didn’t have a good answer for her.
My dad lost his friend John Griffin. Together they used to work overseeing the installation of air conditioning units, elevator cabs, and other major items that go into skyscrapers. I remember spending a weekend at the Griffins’ weekend getaway. They had kids my age. My dad used to have lunch with John at Windows on the World and would still have been going to the World Trade Center every day if he did not have to go on disability with multiple sclerosis. He held onto hope for weeks that John would be found alive under the rubble. “He knew those buildings like the back of his hand”, he said, “He will find his way around down there.” He was never found.
What loss, what horror we all experienced that day. And still it goes on. As the years pass by, the death toll rises. As the cleanup and rebuilding continues, construction men have been injured, emergency workers have been sickened, and firemen were killed by a crumbling building that was damaged that day.
I also remember the uplifting sight of American flags that were flown from people’s homes in the immediate aftermath. People went around with kinder, gentler looks on their faces. They remembered their manners in public places and greeted strangers with courtesy.
People remembered to kiss their loved ones goodbye in the morning because you just never know.
Please keep the remembrances going because we can’t ever forget.
As I read your blog this morning I too remember every detail of that fatal morning of September 11. I also remember the unity of our family and local community as we all checked on one another's well being and shared the status of the current situation.
Your closing thought," Please keep the rememberances going because we can never forget" brings to mind the Last Supper and Christ's words "do this in rememberance of Me".
May we never forget! Thank you for this reminder.
It always brings to mind the last things you say to your loved ones when you part. Thanks for your thoughts.
Thank you. Think not only what we say when we part, but what we say when we are together... I live on the other side of the country, but was alos transfixed to the TV for a week, struck with horror at what was happening. I am strengthened though, but seeing the determination and hope of those around me, and in in our country to endure, help one another, and rebuild. The human spirit longs to create, and as long as we live, may we use that desire to create friendships, productivity, and worthwhile honest endeavors. Thank you for your post.
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