Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sarah Palin and Nancy Reagan: High Fashion for Women in Politics

I had to laugh when I saw the first editorial criticizing the high cost of Sarah Palin’s campaign makeover. All that time I thought she had done her hair and makeup herself! Certainly a woman who can literally hunt for her own family’s dinner didn’t need any help in that arena! Then I thought this little fact should endear her even more to American women. Most of us need a little help to look absolutely fabulous. You can almost see yourself being put into her position, becoming a surprise vice-presidential nominee, with a newborn baby and nothing appropriate to wear. You know your looks are going to be scrutinized from head to toe and all around. Considering that the entire budget spent on her behalf actually could have been spent on one outfit, by some of the rich elite, I think she was her frugal self.

What comes to mind most easily is a similar controversy over the pricey, high fashion clothing worn by the elegant Nancy Reagan. Most of the clothes were borrowed, and some were donated by the designers. Many of the pieces were in turn donated by Nancy, as is the intent of Palin.

In searching for a picture, I found that the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley will open a new exhibit, on Nov. 10.

“Resembling a Camelot-styled vignette of the late-20th Century, the exhibit will showcase more than 50 years of Nancy Reagan's fashion, beginning with her 1952 wedding dress and concluding with the suit she wore for President Reagan's funeral in June 2004.”

Read the story by Margie Ann Clark here.

Said Nancy Reagan, "I am delighted that these designers are being recognized for their incredible talent. It was an honor to wear each of these pieces, and every gown, dress and suit brings back wonderful memories; moments in my life that I will remember and cherish forever."

For more information about the Nancy Reagan - A First Lady's Style exhibit at the Reagan Presidential Library, call (800) 410-8354 or (805) 577-4000.

I also found this paper doll book honoring the fashions worn so well by Nancy, sold at Amazon.com

1 comment:

Loren said...

Pundits are so quick to find fault and pick apart Palin. What about all of the celebrities that are self-proclaimed "common man loving Democrats," but wear thousands of dollars worth of clothing and accessories to awards dinners? Scarlett Johansson's pocketbook is worth more than my engagement ring. You know what they say about people in glass houses...

AND thank you for the very thoughtful and encouraging comments on my blog. :)